(GivEnergy system. WW: 5 slots within 0100-1600 window, hold. WW ID afraid-candle)
Agile integration and slot picking has been working well for me these last few weeks. .
During that time I have had AC Charge 1 Upper % Limit set to 96%, and each day WW set AC Charge Upper % Limit to 100%.
The Charge1% limit trumps the global Charge% limit and the battery only charges to 96%, which I'm happy with. I think the global charge% is used to limit solar charging, in that my Agile window runs to 1600, and during the day any sun will top the battery up to 100%. I'm assuming that if there was any sun today the Charge1% limit of 90% would be respected and nothing would happen.
Experimented last night with setting the new SOC Target, and the AC Charge Upper % Limit was indeed set to 90%.
However, GivEnergy ignored that and still charged the battery to 96%.
Given that WW are using charge1 time to manage the slot times, they might need to use Charge1% to manage the SOC.
What I don't know is whether there is a setting for Charge1% that will essentially disable it so that the global charge% can take priority.
Personally I'm happy to use the charge1% register to set the limit for how much to charge the battery from the grid during my designated agile window, and then to have the SOC% (aka charge%) set to 100% to allow for solar top up.
And if WW switches to use AC Charge 1 Upper % Limit to set target charge, we will then need to manually manage the global Charge limit, unless that is somehow integrated into any solar forecast management.