Good morning @admin
So, so close. But not 100%
Before session start:
Eco Mode = ON
Battery Discharge Power = 958 w
Upon session start ~ 00:00
Eco Mode set to OFF
Battery Discharge Power = 0w [you call this Max Discharge for reference to anyone following along]
Timed slots are set as per WW auto-selection
AIO and house load successfully executed as expected
Session End ~ 07:00
Eco Mode set to ON
However, Battery Discharge Power = 3994w which was not the starting value and would mean that if I still had load that was in excess of ~ 1kW - say my EV - then my battery would start to drain quickly.
I would prefer that WW set the Battery Discharge Power = # to the value at the start of the session # no matter what value that is.
Do you concur?