RichardB Can you explain to me this log 2024-04-01 15:55:39 50 % 20.2 kWh Export to grid instruction set for 16:00 - 16:44 (adjusted). What's the adjusted mean? My session is set to Holday Export down to 30% 16:00 - 23:00 Export ID : soft-agent
Capt_Rich Adjusted means it's hit your set SOC charge limit before the end of the time slot, so the export has stopped based on the SOC setting.
RichardB So I can see why it's done it. I set it to export it hit the target SOC but then it allowed it to charge again, and it went back to to 80% What I wanted to happen was it export down to 30% then hold 30% until the end of the period (so continue to export rather then store) how can i achieve this?