why does wonderwatt set my AC Charge start and stop times to 00:00?

    but the slot that's been disabled is the one i want to use?

    When I look at the Battery % through the Givenergy portal it is being depleted instead of charging?

    What does your WW activity log say? Which slots have you set up for charging?

    What is your WattID please? You can find it in the Advanced section.

    WattID is distorted-effect
    all negative value slots are highlighted
    WW activity log only has one entry, from yesterday

      dj10gan Looks like you have paused your automations? Which would be why they're not being sent to your inverter.

        admin That's done now Thank you.
        I've reverted to using the Portal for now as I don't think the WW app is working properly.
        it's identifying the slots but doesn't seem to activate them.
        If I use the Octopus Agile and advanced setup. Do I need the schedule charging as well or are they mutually exclusive?

          it's identifying the slots but doesn't seem to activate them.

          dj10gan Right, yeah if you have an Agile Octopus window active, you won't need a custom charge schedule, so you can turn that to inactive.

          That might have caused the clash, and as a result, WW may have missed the start charging for a block of continuous slots, especially with all the plunge pricing.

          What you could do is deselect one of the slots coming up, and Save, so there's a gap, and a new continuous charge block, which' start time is coming up and will be acted on.

            ill close the schedule down.
            the API has sent AC charge and end as 00's again.
            Surely with that it will not charge. I would of expected an 11:00 start and 16:00 end?

              2024-04-06 13:29:43 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 00:00 13:30 13:30 Portal - Remote Control
              2024-04-06 13:29:41 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 00:00 16:00 16:00 Portal - Remote Control
              2024-04-06 12:01:09 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 16:00 00:00 00:00 API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - aIX9NABr
              2024-04-06 12:01:09 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 11:00 00:00 00:00 API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - aIX9NABr
              2024-04-06 11:58:35 You Battery Discharge Power Written Successfully 1567 3000 3000 Portal - Remote Control
              2024-04-06 10:58:46 You Battery Discharge Power Written Successfully 3000 1567 1567 API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - HKFj6HPf
              2024-04-06 10:45:39 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 00:00 16:00 16:00 Portal - Remote Control
              2024-04-06 10:45:36 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 00:00 11:00 11:00 Portal - Remote Control
              2024-04-06 10:02:12 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 16:00 00:00 00:00 API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - Bit8rHcz
              2024-04-06 10:02:11 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 09:30 00:00 00:00 API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - Bit8rHcz
              2024-04-06 07:43:32 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 00:00 16:00 16:00 Portal - Inverter Settings Tab
              2024-04-06 07:43:32 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 00:00 09:30 09:30 Portal - Inverter Settings Tab

              dj10gan It looks like a hold charge instruction was sent 11:00-16:00.

              And currently slots for 10:30-16:00 are selected, but because that start has passed already, it won't kick this off again.


                024-04-06 13:29:43 You AC Charge 1 Start Time Written Successfully 00:00 13:30 13:30 Portal - Remote Control
                2024-04-06 13:29:41 You AC Charge 1 End Time Written Successfully 00:00 16:00 16:00 Portal - Remote Control

                Right - so this looks accurate. And should kick off.

                  That was put in by me, as you can see with the Remote control tag.
                  I've just checked and it hasn't been overridden by the API.
                  It appears to be working but I would have been more convinced if I hadn't had to put it in myself.
                  I was hoping to fully charge everything today with a bit to spare but, that won't happen now.
                  Thanks for your patience and help.
                  I'll keep you posted.

                    dj10gan Right, yeah - sorry!

                    Yes, let us know how you get on - I see you've switched your regular Schedule to inactive, so that shouldn't cause any clashes.

                      admin fingers crossed.
                      it would be fantastic if I can get this to do what I want it to.
                      all the best.

                      good news. everything has worked perfectly overnight.

                      Its a brilliant piece of software that I would recommend to any Octopus Agile customer. It saves time and you can cherry pick when you want to charge and discharge your Givenergy batteries.
                      Congratulations to everyone involved in the making of Wonder Watt.
                      Special thanks to the Admin staff for their support.

                        dj10gan Thanks for the kind words, great to hear it’s worked well! ☺️