Good job I just checked my slots again. All had been de selected. I have selected them again now but hope it does not happen again as battery need topping up

    Shockwave Just went in and refreshed the page and they all disappeared again. I will have to deactivate auto and set the old way in my inverter

      Shockwave Found it - can you try something out for us please? And change your Agile window times to 00:00 for end/start where they span midnight?

      We’ll take a look.

      OK here is what happens. It auto selects a connected 8 slots. I did not need that many so I un selected the first one. When I refresh the page the whole selected string has disappeared. So it deselecting the whole string because i deleted one.

        Shockwave which slots and for which charge window please?

        And the first one you deselected was the 23:30 slot?

        23:00 tonight through 13:30 tomorrow. I also deselected one in the middle, saved and refreshed and only one for 22:30 tomorrow stayed on
        Just done it again a 3 random ones stayed on.
        Also noticed that, even though my window is set for 00:00 - 23:30, it is setting the late ones for tonight instead of tomorrow.

          I deselected an "auto below a certain price" slot and it deselected the next days slots. I lowered the auto price below the one i deselected and this solved this issue. A bit annoying though.

            WW had selected about ten slots for me from midnight onwards , I forget how many . I deselected the ones at 0400 and 0430 , figured I wouldn’t need them but should have just left eveything instead of tinkering …. I noticed that there were still a couple of slots that WW had selected for 2200 and 2230 tonight , I tinkered further and deselected them . I visited other webpages and returned to check my Agile selections …. lo and behold , all of the slots which had been selected for midnight to 0400 had been deselected ! So it was back to selecting them again from scratch . It seems to me that every time I tinker with the automatic selection , something gets thrown out .

            I have gone back to inverter settings for tonight as battery too low by morning if WW not work

            We've been able to reproduce and have identified another edge case issue with continuous slots overlapping midnight.

            Fix deploying in next 10 mins.

            Available in Release 536.

              admin Thanks. But when selecting tomorrows slots it should not pick ones from late today, we would of selected them as extras if we wanted them. Tomorrow's slots should be tomorrow's, not some of today's as well

                Shockwave That's correct. This was basically down to the way we condense smaller slots into one big slot if 30 min charge slots are adjacent. We now split this at the midnight point.

                Saving of individual selections and de-selections should now have the desired effect.


                  Also noticed that, even though my window is set for 00:00 - 23:30, it is setting the late ones for tonight instead of tomorrow.

                  This is the designed behaviour, because that window for tomorrow does not have all tariffs available, it only runs through to 23:00 inclusive. So a charge window of 00:00-23:00 would give you the behaviour you want.

                  We simply cannot select the best/cheapest tariffs for windows for which all tariffs aren't available.

                  That’s initially how we implemented it, but it’s not what users expect or want. Think windows of 19:30-07:00 etc.

                    Shockwave charge window
                    set to 00:00-23:00 as you suggested and yet it still selected 23:30 tonight

                      Shockwave What did you set your Agile import threshold to? Any slots (even outside charge windows) that match the threshold criteria are selected.

                      As you have set yours to 4p, this is the expected result.