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  • GivEnergy Inverter/ App Configuring

Hi, just trying to work out using the Wonder Watt App and configuring it to use with the GivEnergy Inverter and All In One battery. Is there something I need to select on the GivEnergy App in order for the Wonder Watt App to work (Ie turn off the GivEnergy App from having any input to the battery charger/discharging) or does the Wonder Watt App automatically communicate with the GivEnergy Inverter App and tell it not to make any inputs ? Thanks

    darrenk We will typically use the single schedule slot on your Giv inverter. Either for charge or the one for discharge.

    If you have other overlapping schedules set up, it could likely result in us not being able to set the instruction as Giv will respond with an error.

    Perfect, thanks Admin, so all I need to do is go onto the Wonder Watt installation page and go though the settings as you have advised on your Youtube video and it will then calibrate with the Giv Inverter automatically once it has all the details the settings page has requested ? Is there also a setting to stop the GivEnergy AIO discharging to the EV charger when the car is requesting charging as super low Agile prices during the day I want to make full use of the grids energy and not take/discharge the stored batteries energy.

    Currently @darrenk it does require a little coordination. Personally, I set my AIO charging slots first. Once I am happy that I have enough slots to get my AIO to 90%, I then think about other devices that need significant energy. Such as Immersion Heater, Washing Machine etc etc. I then set these to pull at the same time as my AIO will be charging. That way, it is definitely from Grid. Recently we have had a number of negative pricing events, which is great. Getting paid to charge the AIO and heat water in both the hot water tank and for cleaning the clothes, this is the future 👌🏻

    Hi KristianS thanks ever so much for your reply. How are you finding the AIO with Octopus Agile ? We are currently with Octopus Tracker and trying to work out whether moving over to Octopus Agile tariff and utilising the AIO is the most optimised way to go ?

      I am on Octopus Agile and so far, it has been brilliant with the AIO. The past two weeks, with all this wind, the plunge pricing events - some as low as negative seven or eight pence in the half-hour slot are just brilliant. I am still only just over two months in, but the ability to load shift is saving me 60-70% on my electricity bills - and that is before performing any form of forced discharge, which I am hoping to do next winter season.
      I personally, with no Solar PV to charge mine, see much value in charging to discharge on most days, but with wind turbines coming online all the time during the next 5-6 years if the plans to get 50GW enabled by 2030 - it will pay for itself in next to no time..

        I am using GE kit with WW and on Agile and it's great.
        I used the Agile Compare app to look at my historic usage on my old tariff and used the app to compare others and Agile won hands down at 50% less than Tracker. Another app Octopus Watch is also great and now also has a compare function but I can't recall if this is in the free version or not.
        I showed the Octopus Compare App to my neighbour who has no solar or battery and he has been saving on Agile tariff as well. The great thing is as the tariffs are not fixed you can swap and change easily with Octopus.

          We use quite a lot of electricity, especially with visiting family members and when it was getting to circa £6/£7 a day during the winter - I knew it was time to do something drastic!!

          I too use OctopusWatch several times a day. I do pay for the premium version because of the extra functionality it gives, and because it is a well-thought-out product. I use that and WW to see which are the best slots for the day ahead after 16:00 when the pricing is released. It also gives me the true value of the cost of the electricity - including the standing charge value - which even Octopus does not do - weird. The reporting in OctopusWatch is how I justified the spending on the batteries for load shifting in the first place. I ran some tests using a small EcoFlow portable battery to prove the point and then it has grown from there. The AIO was the prize that unlocks these huge savings across the whole house. My only qualm now, I just wish they would release the ability to scale to 6 AIO's in a single installation like they have been purporting to do for some time now. Once this one has done some time, it would be nice to expand the setup to have another one - to really maximise the savings with the headroom to last more than 24 hours or force discharge more to maximise potential revenue from the system. Time will tell.

          a month later

          Hi all,

          Was searching for a thread that best suited my predicament. I think this is the closest!

          I've just had a GivEnergy AIO, Gateway and 7.12kW solar array installed.
          My solar is SE facing so morning biased.
          I'm on Octopus Flux.

          I'm tring to get WW setup so I can charge the AIO throughout the morning and then export at max power (6kW) between 4pm and 5pm (first hour of the Flux peak export rate). I'm hoping that this leaves enough energy in the AIO for the family to use for the rest of the evening.

          I have logged into WW and linked my GivEnergy API code up. I can see my system in the WW dashboard.

          I have setup a schedule to export between 4 & 5. Required SOC of 90%. Forecast yield of 7kWh (absolutely expected with my solar array and the decent weather we've been having) and Stop export at 40%.

          The schedule has been active for a few days but it doesn't trigger. Have I missed something in the setup process?


            David23 What is your WattID please? You can find it in the Advanced section.

            Hmm, it looks like your export instruction did trigger, according to your WW log? Can you show the GivEnergy logs?

            We can see the instruction was correctly sent by WW and received by Giv. See our detailed log below.


              Certainly. How do I access those?

              Looking at the graph. I did have a 6kW spike at 5pm but quickly went back down.

                David23 GivEnergy Dashboard, My Inverter, Remote Control cog in top right menu, then scroll down to the bottom to see the logs.

                We set the export schedule up at 15:55 and the stop instruction was sent at 16:58. Nothing was sent in between. So sounds like something outside of our control caused this.


                  Pasted the logs from just before 5pm today.

                  Looks like WW issued an eco mode command

                  2024-05-13 16:55:53
                  Enable Eco Mode
                  Written Successfully
                  Previous Value
                  Value Sent
                  API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - OlAbS7cP

                  2024-05-13 16:55:46
                  Battery Reserve % Limit
                  Written Successfully
                  Previous Value
                  Value Sent
                  API - Inverter Settings - Wonder Watt - OlAbS7cP

                    I can send the downloaded log to an email if that’s easier?

                    Thank you for your help

                      David23 Yeah, that’s 5 mins before your schedule end time at 17:00.

                      So the export ran for almost an hour as per your 16:00-17:00 export schedule settings.


                        Here's the power graph from today. Spike of export at 5pm but nothing of note happening 4-5.

                        David23 Hang on a minute, it looks to me like your inverter time is an hour out.

                        Which would explain why there's only a little spike at 15:55 to 16:00 - as your inverter's time is an hour ahead, it stopped at 16:00 (which was 17:00 as per your schedule and your inverter's time).


                          Tried setting the time again via the GivEnerg portal. I reset the schedule as well so let's see what happens tomorrow!

                          Although the log shows me doing this an hour late!

                          Spoke to GivEnergy support yesterday and got the time changed. All working now!

                          Thanks for your help!