jeremy There doesn't seem to be any life data around these batteries as I think they are all too new. So I've used the battery guarantee life of 10 years and one cycle a day to work out the cost of one cycle. If my 5.2KW battery cost £2250 and gives 3650 cycles then each cycle costs just over 60p. Each cycle gives me 4.2KWHr so each stored unit has cost 14.5p. I use this in my calculations as to whether to charge or sell. If the forthcoming peak is 28p or above and the unit rates are below 13.5p then I discharge in the evening and charge in the 6 cheapest slots overnight or in the afternoon on dull days.
During plunge pricing when the unit price approaches 0 or goes negative I can just fit in 2 cycles in a day.
When cheapest unit rates are above 13.5p I just keep the solar to use overnight.
The other way of looking at all this is to say you've spent the money so best to use the equipment to its max and always do a full cycle every day.
PS the cycle count can be seen in the Android Inverter app.