• Growatt
  • Battery not charged when -ve pricing

Twice recently we’ve had negative pricing when my battery was due to charge on Agile Octopus and the battery hasn’t charged. Any ideas? Nothing in the activity log.

    Andywinter what is your WattID please? You can find it in Advanced at the bottom.

    Which time slot were you expecting should have been charged?

    Hi there. Watt ID is celebrated-medicine. My agile octopus smart schedule is set for 1300-1600 daily.

      I wonder if it it the same as what i have i set mine to charge at anytime 00:00. 0830 on any - Eg. -0.12

      (Automatically pre-select import slots for prices (in pence) below the threshold specified here. Slots meeting the price threshold criteria will be selected regardless of your Agile charge window From and To times.
      Price below:

      And it still doesn't charge


        Looks like this block charged fine today, due to negative pricing.

        Also from our internal diagnostics log:

        Price is 0 or below - ignore current SOC, issue Agile Octopus charge 11:30 - 14:00 for user - celebrated-medicine

        pmartin172 What is your WattID and can you let us know which slots you were expecting to get charged but were not?