Hello, I have just added a Givenergy battery to my SolarEdge 4KWh panel array. I am confused about generating an API key for Wonderwatt to use. I have navigated to Account settings etc. Do I simply tick the top box (total control over system) and for how long do I need to set the expiry for? As you can gather I’m not the most tech savvy person so any advice will be gratefully received (hence thinking about using Wonderwatt to control everything!)

    Kalimeratheriso Thanks - API key permissions are here: https://community.wonderwatt.com/d/19-api-token/2

    Makes sense to name the API token something like WW or such, which then allows you to easily track and gives you ability to revoke separate integrations if you add API keys for other services.

    Trick with setting an expiry is that you you may well forget, but it may be worth setting a reminder a few days out and renewing it and then updating it again in Settings.

    Some people use no expiry, which is typically not recommended. Having said that, it's more important to make sure you use one API key for one service.