I have a GivEnergy dual AIO system which has been working with WonderWatt on Agile for the last couple of weeks.
Last night the following slots were planned by the WonderWatt system:
00:30, 01:00, 01;30, 02;00, 02:30 and 04;30.
Only the 04:30 slot actually charged (and I now have depleted batteries this morning).

A hold charge instruction was sent at 23:59 (the start of the Agile charge window)
There is nothing in WW logs for 00:30.
A hold charge instruction was sent at 03:01.
A charge instruction was sent at 04:29.

Please would you look at why the charge instruction failed for the block of slots at 00:30.

Watt ID: some-attention

    DualAIO Thanks for reporting.

    So, it looks like the Giv API responded to a system data call https://api.givenergy.cloud/v1/inverter/{0}/system-data/latest (where {0} is substituted with your AIO Gateway serial)

    With a NULL value for your battery SOC:


    If we cannot read your current SOC, we can't determine conditions etc. so cannot issue the charge instruction.

    Perhaps we should log this in your Activity log so you are aware. Or maybe set a default assumed SOC of 20...

      admin Thanks for investigating.

      It failed again last night. I believe this is due to a known issue with parallel AIO systems which also impacts the GivEnergy portal and phone app, data screens. I've asked them to escalate fixing this.

      In terms of mitigating a NULL value, your suggestion seems good - assume a low value of 20 (I don't think it's worth having a value in the advanced settings for this as it shouldn't be happening that often in the first place), and reflect the assumption when writing to the Activity Log (something like "SOC not available, assuming 20%").

        On another note, do manually scheduled slots appear in the Activity Log?
        The entries below at 21:58 do not appear in the Acitivty Log.

          DualAIO You mean using the Quick Schedule mechanism? Should do yeah.

          @DualAIO I, and I am sure many other AIO users would be interested in your candid comments about how you are finding your multi-AIO setup [maybe start a new thread with the subject named accordingly?] I do not want to fill up this with a load of replies that don't match the original subject, but I suspect there will be a lot of interest to others out there who are watching the multi-AIO discussion with some slight amusement..... Coming Soon has been the phrase of choice for a good long while now

          4 days later