• General
  • Agile Scheduling with Solar Forecast?

Is there a setup where you can combine the 2 schedules together? I'm a relatively new user and am utilising the Agile scheduling, but in terms of the SOC to target it's dependent on Solar forecast for the next day, perhaps this is just an "issue" at this time of year when you can still have days where everything could be covered by solar but other days it'll be mostly battery...

    Thanks tomread1 for raising this. I too want to use both Solar Forecast together with Octopus Agile and have currently set both. I assume from the admin reply that if you do this only Agile will work? And if WW eventually do integrate both, which will take priority?

      Masterchef30 Yeah, so you basically could get overlapping schedules with unwanted side effects, like charging being stopped when you don't want to or inverter settings failing due to clashes.

      Ultimately, the last command/instruction will simply overwrite the previous one, so last one wins.