Steve It works for the battery, but for me, I'd like to see it earlier, or get an optional email earlier that day or evening about what is going to be set.
This isn't easily possible because dynamic conditions like current SOC (and solar forecast for non Agile for now) are evaluated right before the schedule is due.
Steve Battery only gets to 95% ... see next point.
Charging curves do tend to flatten as the battery nears 100%. This also depends on the length of the charge schedule and whether you have charge rate adjusted or not.
Steve Would prefer that battery is set to not give to the house during the cheap electric period in case charging finishes early.
If you are talking about Agile charge windows, you can simply set the Hold Charge toggle to On.
If you're talking about regular charge Schedules, they won't discharge to the house whilst you are currently in a charge slot. It can only be in one mode at a time.