Browni I have recently joined wonerwatt and have an agile import and a fixed export. Unfortunately the discharge is only about 9 watt from the battery even when I use Givenergy app to fully discharge the battery to the grid. Can someone cast an eye over my settings to see if there is a problem. I have contacted Givenergy and all seems fine with them. My ID is unripe-birthday Best Regards Ian
admin Browni First thing to check would be Battery Discharge power in GivEnergy portal - under My Inverter, then right hand menu, Remote Control. Should look something like this: Or whichever your max discharge rate is.
Browni All set as described. Loosing confidence in Agile, considering going back to Intelligent flux as all was ok then but is it all connected to the hour change.
MrMessy Browni how recently have you switched away from intelligent Flux and did you revoke the GE token for that?
Browni That may have been the problem as behaving better now token revoked. Will keep an eye on it over the next day or so. Thank you for the help.
Browni It is a lot better now. Keeping an eye on discharge as it did not happen last night but that may be due to my settings. Certainly fully discharging now and supplying the house so it was Octopuses token that was the culprit as every time I made changes a few seconds they reverted. Thank you for the help.