I have a Givenergy 9.5 battery with Agile tariff plus a 4 KWh solar panel array with the original FIT payment system. I’m getting dreadfully confused trying to complete the forms to join Wonderwatt. I thought the Wonderwatt system was fully automated, and that once you had the necessary information like the API, solar panel orientation etc. Agile tariff you would do the rest. Why do I have to select the half hour windows (more than set?) and the price below which you will automatically charge. An explanation would be useful (I’ve looked at the you tube video but am still not sure what I should be doing)

I know I’m an aging old git with little technical knowledge - are there any tutorials, faq’s I can read about anywhere?

Many Thanks

    Kalimeratheriso It is automated, make sure that you add an 'Agile Charge window' in the Octopus Agile section.

    Once you have done that, eg. set a schedule from 00:00 - 23:00, and select the number of half hour charges you would like, Wonder Watt will automatically pick the cheapest each day and charge according to the conditions of your charge window.

    You probably only see this in your Agile Integration section:

    But it's important to basically 'Save' that Agile charge window. Perhaps we should by default create a 00:00-23:00 Agile charge window for new users with say 6 slots to fill.