Sometimes I would like to hold my battery charge without adding a charging slot.

E.g. today my battery is unlikely to have enough charge to supply the whole day's demand. But its not worth charging at say 20p to then use that charge during 21p slots - after round trip losses. Better to simply hold my battery and keep for more expensive slots.... using grid during both those 20p & 21p slots.

Perhaps in the same way it's very easy to toggle charge slots on/off the same could be done with hold?
Either from the same page or additional page.

e.g. If same page it might be a single button selection to signify if you're toggling charge or hold?
With colour box edge as now blue for charge
And (say) green for hold

If hold and charge are both toggled on then charge would of course take precedent

I hope I've explained!

    Tima441 You can achieve this by simply creating an Agile charge window, toggling hold to On, and setting the number of slots to charge to 0.

    Hmm... does not really work for my case

    1. Cannot set if overlaps with existing slots
    2. My use would sometimes set multiple one off hold slots. So very messy to set using the schedules that are better suited to long term settings
    3. My usage is oneoff scheduling

    Perhaps a setting to always hold if grid at or below a chosen level would help.
    In my case I would probably set to hold if grid below 22p

      Tima441 I agree. I've often wanted to hold individual half hr slots as apposed to a regular timed hold. I think the idea of holding if below a certain pence would be best and a feature I'd be interested in using

      Not wanting to wade in again on this topic, but I have mentioned this before....
      Charge, Hold, Export, Nil. The ability to set any slot to any state would be a good use case for some. Agile prices are too variable IMO to make this a cost based setting

        KristianS Agile prices are too variable IMO to make this a cost based setting

        Agreed, if anything it should be based on percentiles, rather than fixed cost in pence.

        During these high use days .. with high prices... an easy way to set one-off "hold" slots would be very useful.

        Using schedules as they are is not practical to choose variable slots on variable days.
        It's frustrating to see my battery drained and having to use grid at peak. As now.

        I'd be happy with almost any basis that is easy to manage.
        I still think an easy first step would be simply to hold whenever charge (say) 20p or 22p ...or less. It would keep the battery available for higher price periods... and use grid.

          Tima441 Could this not be addressed by an Agile charge window from say 11:00-1600 with X number of slots to charge and Hold set to on?

          That’s surely not a million miles away from your use case?

            I too would like (and have suggested) a facilty to manually hold individual slots on the fly.

            With regard to having an Agile charge window with X slots and hold set, this isn't an on the fly solution. I have one for when I charge the EV during the day and it is a PITA to activate because I have to keep changing the times to get round existing real Agile windows and the current time of day.

            In the same way that I a keep an eye on battery SOC during the day and manually select boost slots as required, it would be really handy to select ad hoc hold slots (and ad hoc export slots ;) )

              9 days later

              Picking up on this, when manually selecting Agile slots, rather than have options of charge/discharge or charge/hold (depending on whether 'hold' has been selected in the charge window), would it be an idea to have 3 options: charge (blue border)/discharge (no border)/hold (dotted border) for each 30 min slot, with each option roating, selectable by a 'mouse click'.

              admin sorry.. missed this.
              No, in my use case I'm looking for something much more granular and flexible.

              It's less a case of fixed slots. Much more based on a mixture of usage, SOC, weather, price slots.
              I think easiest done as manual clicks.... and/or hold if charge slot under a target

              2 months later

              I have a situation tomorrow whereby my charge slots have been chosen by WW and the remaining slots have been set as hold slots, the problem being that there are 3 slots in the overall charge window which are at a high price and so I would like to remove the hold setting on those 3 slots but am unable to without changing the entire charge window.
              As others have said it would be so much better if we could change individual slots within charge windows to be either charge, hold or eco

              I've just come on here to suggest again that agile users should have the option to have ww select individual hold slots. I think one option would be to set a value and if slots are less than that value, hold is actioned. I'm.finding that lower valued slots are often scattered all through the day and I don't want to set up multiple hold periods everyday. I know this has come up before but I really think it needs looking at again.