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  • Newbie question - please help

Ive just joined WW and switched to Cosy Octopus.
I was setting up the battery charging periods and got to the point where I should choose fixed or smart charging. Can anyone give me some guidance here please - which should I select and why?

    Steve-Gibbs Smart charging uses the solar forecast to calculate the target charge percentage to get to.

    In the winter months it may make more sense to either use Fixed or use Smart and a high enough value of 'Charge at least to'.

    I'm sure others will chime in how they use it. Also depends on whether you are on an export tariff. Some users charge full up overnight and any excess in the morning would get exported.

      Steve-Gibbs do you have solar and an export tariff?

      I presume you're on Cosy because you have an ASHP and you're setting 3 charging schedules to fill the batteries?

      What inverter/batteries do you have?

      TBH, I would just use fixed and charge to 100% and not bother mucking around, as it's likely you'll need all of that (certainly at some times) for running the house/heating over winter. I know my HP chewed through over 30kWh 3 days in a row last week. Admittedly, we didn't get above 0deg for those days. Thank god for IOG smart charging.😁

      Anyway, this...

        MrMessy Yes I'm trying Cosy, just came off Inteligent Flux as I think Cosy should be better over the winter months, I have ASHP, solar panels 4.2kw and a Givenergy battery 8.5Kw. I'll start off with using fixed charging...
        Thanks for replying so quickly

          Steve-Gibbs is your battery giving you enough to run between charge slots on Cosy, or are you still pulling some from the grid at day rate, whilst avoiding the expensive peak period?