• General
  • What happens at the end of a set charging period

Can someone reassure me that when a WW timed charging period ends my givenergy battery will revert to eco mode and discharge to satisfy home demand?
Or do I have to do something to make this happen

    Well I can answer my own question now because the charging period just ended at 07:00, the battery is full but not discharging to meet home demand so I'm importing from the grid now - not the desired outcome. So my question is using WW can I get my battery to revert to eco mode at the end of a timed charge? I'm sure this is what everyone is doing so please could you advise me what to do now
    Thanks everyone

    In case needed my id is mellow-ask
    Looking through the previous threads I see my question has been asked before but I couldn't see the answer....

    mellow-ask again, I checked and indeed eco was toggled off in my GE, I manually toggled it on and now the battery is discharging... Not sure what to do now
    I also saw that timed charge 00:00 to 00:00 was toggled on in GE.... Is this something set by WW? And should I leave it as is? My next timed charge is supposed to start at 10:00 to 13:00 hopefully the eco mode will be enabled after that. Any thoughts/instructions much appreciated

      Pourl Thanks - I'm not sure - where do I find that setting so I can check it?

      Steve-Gibbs A timed charge should not disable Eco, we do not touch the Eco flag for AC Grid charges.

      We do reset it for some of the forced discharge/export ones though, as that is required on some of the Giv inverters.

      Pourl @Steve-Gibbs is using custom Schedules, not Agile. So On Hold in between Agile slots is not applicable in this case.

      Steve-Gibbs Can you provide the Giv logs from that time please? You find it by going to Remote Control and find it at the bottom of all the Inverter registers/settings.

      We can check there what was responsible for disabling Eco when the start charge was issued.