
As my battery isn't quite big enough to cope with a normal day in the winter months I've been scheduling a hold window during the middle of each day. I do this by using a charge window from 11am to 3pm with hold set and 0 slots selected. With the Inverter feature of reducing the discharge power not to 0 but to 300W this generally powers the house except for the larger loads should we use the dishwasher, washing machine or oven which then keeps enough charge for the evening peak hours of 4-7pm. It also allows for some solar charging in that 11-3 period as it turns on the ECO flag.

This works very well for some days in the week with my normal evening load on Thurs, Friday and Saturday. But tends to hold too much charge on the lighter load evenings on Sunday to Wednesday when we don't cook. So I've taken to manually adjusting the discharge current upwards a bit on those days as I like to run the battery out every day to help with tracking the state of charge.

I can see, within the Agile scheduler, I can adjust the discharge current during these hold slots, but, unlike the other charge/export scheduler, I can't choose different values for the different days of the week. Is that worth adding or am I really the only one likely to make use of such a feature? This might then give people a useful hold charge feature to complement the charge and export schedules.