Anyone have any idea why OIG option wouldn't be showing under the Octopus menu option - i can only see Agile? I'm on this tariff with Octopus having a Tesla and a Givenergy EV charger. I have been since 31st Oct 24.
OIG not showing in my menu options in WonderWatt
robbiemcpaul Yes: you need to request to be added to it by @admin who will need your WattID (from the Advanced page).
As @JayC says, our IOG integration is currently still in opt-in beta.
robbiemcpaul Givenergy EV charger
Our WW IOG integration only works with chargers that are supported by Octopus and where mapped charge slots show up in the Octopus app. I don't believe this is the case yet for the GivEnergy EV charger.
Ok thanks, Can I opt in?
I do get OIG time slots when I plug the car in. Octopus send a charging schedule via their app when I plug in and have selected when I need the car ready for and the percentage to charge it to. Depending on my charge requirements these can often be outside the off peak OIG timeslot from 23.30 to 05.30.
admin My experience was that your IOG integration worked equally well with a 3 pin unofficial 'granny' charger as with my Wallbox. It appeared to me at least that so long as Octopus issued slots you picked them up and execute. In my case most importantly to charge my Giv AIO any and every time 7p slots became available.
I have found the integration to work so well that I expect to quickly cover my WW subscription and be in profit.
robbiemcpaul You should now see the Intelligent option in the Octopus submenu.