
I have set an Agile charge window between 23:00 and 07:00 to select 5 slots. For some reason if one of the cheapest slots available during this period is before midnight (eg 23:30), then the window selects 6 charging slots. I suspect if two slots were before midnight, it'd pick those two and 5 more after midnight.

If i change the window to 00:00 to 07:00 then it only picks the required 5 slots.

is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?



    Yeah that's a bug.

    I think it could be related to the rates for the 23:00-00:00 becoming available for the current day after 16:00 - at which point we already have existing slots written for that day, and we don't really want to overwrite or recalculate at that stage as the user may have selected individual slots which we would then effectively reset.

    We'll do some digging.

    Thanks for reporting it.

    I've been experimenting with different Charge window configurations, and have also noticed this when a charge window traverses midnight.
    As Octopus release daily pricing that runs from 23:00 to 23:00, many users are likely to set similar daily Charge windows, and come across this...

      Giles @matlynd Yeah, perfectly valid.

      What do we do when the user has already selected the odd slot within the window? Basically, our approach is, if any slot has been selected within your Agile User window, we don't run the calculation, because it would mess things up, and it doesn't make sense to wipe the slots within the window and recalculate.

      Needs some thinking through.

      Perhaps, we need one save button on the Today and Tomorrow schedules.

      Any window that has no slots selected, will get recalculated.