FarmView Yeah weird, not sure why it wasn't actioned.
We have isolated where Giv is returning an Internal Server
error response though for your inverter and API key.
And that is on the following call:
If you download Postman - you can try this yourself easily and reproduce the error.
With Postman, create a New Request and put this in:

Add your API key the Bearer Token section.
And put your inverter serial in the params section:

Then click Send.
You should see a JSON document response and a Status code of 200.
Instead, you will see a standard Server Error HTML response come back with no useful information.
This is the reason we cannot read out your current SOC. Whether it is related to your inverter not actioning charge schedules, no idea - but GivEnergy should be able to tell you.
This API call
should work, it works for our other Giv users, so hopefully Giv can sort this out for you.