Sorry, I guess I must be missing something obvious. I had new install couple of days ago of Panels and Batteries but our usage (Storage Heaters. To be replaced in due course by Heat Pump) exceeds supply from the panels. Currently we are on an Economy 10 account so I want to force charge the batteries during the times of Cheap energy. I have set up 3 schedules and last touched more than 10 minutes before start time but nothing seems to happen. I have tried multiple times over last 24 hours, including completely clearing all the settings from directly in the GivEnery site. The only record in Activity Log is 'Error setting gufiSmwC schedule: Inverter Timeout' relating to a sceduled start last night, but the starts scheduled today do not show. But in GivEnergy web, Inverter, Settings, TimedCharge, I do see the charge which should have started at 12:30 today, but it didn't start. And why does it not show in the Activity Log?
My WattID is familiar-tour.
Thanks very much
GivEnergy schedules not starting
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FarmView Thanks for that, it looks like we cannot read your system or inverter data, it throws an error from the Giv backend.
The timeout is a red herring.
Can you confirm that you have your API permission scopes configured as outlined like this on your Giv Energy API key?
If not, recreate a new API key with the correct permissions, update in Settings and Save.
Despite not writing a log message, it does actually look like the instruction for this morning was sent OK.
What does your Giv inverter log say? You can see this if you click on the Inverter on the menu side bar, then 'Remote Control' on the cog on the right hand side, then scroll all the way down.
Super fast response. :)
The existing API key was full permissions. I revoked it and created a new one like below, and I updated in the WonderWatt settings.
Looks like WonderWatt sent the setting for 12:30 at 12:28, but the Inverter just decided not to bother?
The panels were disconnected at around 11:00 am this morning (don't ask!) so there was a small amount of charge in the batteries from prior to then which was eaten up by 12:30
FarmView Yeah weird, not sure why it wasn't actioned.
We have isolated where Giv is returning an Internal Server
error response though for your inverter and API key.
And that is on the following call:
If you download Postman - you can try this yourself easily and reproduce the error.
With Postman, create a New Request and put this in:
Add your API key the Bearer Token section.
And put your inverter serial in the params section:
Then click Send.
You should see a JSON document response and a Status code of 200.
Instead, you will see a standard Server Error HTML response come back with no useful information.
This is the reason we cannot read out your current SOC. Whether it is related to your inverter not actioning charge schedules, no idea - but GivEnergy should be able to tell you.
This API call
should work, it works for our other Giv users, so hopefully Giv can sort this out for you.
In the meantime I have now paused WonderWatt and I will try to force charging via the GivEnergy portal. (only one slot !!!!!)
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Might be worth checking if the GE mobile app is able to control the inverter via the internet (ie. AWAY mode rather than HOME). If it can't there could be an issue with the home router not allowing connections to the inverter (firewall block maybe?). If it can, then could an an issue at GE API gateway although POSTMAN should check that.
That's intersting. On the GE mobile app, I can only connect via Away. Via Home I just get 0, 0, 0.
FarmView HOME only works when your mobile device is on the same local network (LAN) as the inverter. The app searches for the inverter and if it can't be found will switch to AWAY mode and use the internet instead. Since your app works in AWAY mode, that means wonder watt commands should also be able to connect via the internet.
johalareewi There does not appear to be any real issue from WonderWatt side. WonderWatt can connect to get settings, and can also make changes to the settings. The issues are -
1) Cannot use this call to get SOC battery state - (server error)
2) even though commands are received by WonderWatt (or are loaded directly via GivEnergy App or Portal), the Inverter just ignores any command to charge the battery.
Installer is back today, so hopefully software update will fix it all. Need to get the Inverter working properly on Giv side before worrying about WonderWatt.