More importantly whether WW think its a non-starter or not, or even if it is doable.
Leaving aside that we don't currently store agile export prices - why would someone even want to if you can get a fixed 15p/kWh? And with Flux even better during the peak period, but again, it's a fixed window too.
And knowing that, I don't really see the need or understand the requirement to assess this on an ongoing basis (every 30 mins) and dynamically schedule this.
Besides, without really having a good handle on the home's usage patterns during the seasons and the week, we'd be guaranteed to get it wrong in a lot of cases, and get swamped with requests of users asking why WW did what it did given effectively rough estimated information.
And even with all the usage detail recorded, which we have no intention of collecting, it would be incredibly difficult to get right most of the time IMO.