Too late for this clock change, but is WW able to control the time zones for Growatt and do the clock change overnight? I've never seen anywhere it is already automated - if it is, then can someone please let me know? I currently switch it between UTC in winter and UTC+1 in the summer. I'd love a better solution.

On a similar theme, would it be possible to send an accurate time to the inverter daily or weekly maybe? Mine doesn't keep brilliant time (usually within a minute, but it all counts, with Agile's half hours) (and I'm amazed it doesn't appear to check itself, being as it is connected to the internet, but that is Growatt for you...)

    palaceben And just like that it has done a clock adjustment on its own! Neverseen that happen before! I'd still appreciate a quick time update every now and then to keep things accurate 🙃

      palaceben Or maybe not. Offline on the laptop, but the time zone is set to UTC+1 ... but the Shine app is still showing it is currently 1am on the graphs ... I'll see what it says in the morning. hopefully my 5:30am charge kicks in!

        palaceben I've confused myself now. Just set the acual time an hour ahead ... don't remember doing that before, but the graphs on the laptop and the phone were both still saying 1am. Maybe having WW automate it would be a nice touch 😁

        After establishing that my scheduled 0200 charge had not run I tried unsuccessfully to change the start time on the Growatt app.. I eventually cleared all tasks on the Growatt interface and the changed the invertor time .
        Before this Growatt would not display any complete historical data.
        I set up a new ad hoc WW schedule for my charging.
        It was the first time that I had ever reset the invertor time directly through the web interface. I seemed to remember in times past I wrestled with local time (UTC etc) corrections but this was more straightforward and I could see the correct time on my iPad. Hope we can enjoy the next 48 hours without disruption.

          ALLENPATTRICK Glad I'm not the only one who previously did the time change by changing the time zone ... fiddly to find, isn't it? And a bit odd to discover the method has changed without ever being notified - although this is Growatt, so maybe not 😖 Just changing the time seems much more straight forward - and hopefully something WW can get to grips with in the future - the whole point of this post 🙂

          Hopefully now WW will sort out its time change problems and we can carry on as before...