• General
  • Export schedule ending before expected.

I've set up an export schedule for 16:00 to 19:00 with a 25% reserve limit on my 9.5kWh battery, to export at 3.6kW. I notice that Wonder Watt has instructed my inverter to export from 16:00 until 18:06 (rather than 19:00)!

I presume WW has calculated that if I start exporting at 16:00 then by 18:06 I will have reduced the battery state of charge down to the reserve limit (but I'm only guessing at the reasoning).

However the sun is still shining during after 16:00 so I'm getting sometimes substantial solar production, and my inverter is exporting this with my battery idle or only partly discharging. In fact sometimes will full solar production the battery is even charging when solar production exceeds the capacity of my inverter to convert it to AC.

So I still have plenty of power left in my battery, but it stops exporting at 18:06. And after 18:06 the battery starts to fill up again.

I know there are limitations on the GivEnergy API but it is possible to to amend the algorithm to discharge to 19:00, and rely on the reserve limit to stop discharging the battery when the reserve limit is reached?

    Thanks for the work-around - I'll give it a try.