two new features on charge schedules would be good:

Solar Forecast - when the solar forecast for the next daylight period (e.g. a charge schedule 1am to 5am would be same day) set the charge to activate if forecast below set level.

Battery Level - when the battery level is below the set level activate charge.

To avoid conflict these may need to have on/off toggles then add values.


    Matt1976 You mean like something that we have in Schedules already?

    Are you talking about our Agile integration here?

    Thanks, didn't realise that was there, will have a play, thank you

    Could someone tell me what's wrong with this.

    I would expect an and condition to only work when both conditions were met, is this correct?

    Watt ID impressive-ride

      Matt1976 Ah - take the % off the 40 - should just be numerical.

      We'll add some validation on that, thanks!