
I have just joined, configured and connected Wonder watt quite easily, but it seems that instructions are not sent to the growatt system? Is there something else that needs to be done to activate wonder watt? or on the growatt side? I have all the schedules set up.


I can see the energy flow on the home page of the wonder watt, but there seems to be no activity from wonder watt to the growatt.

    Yui You do have entries in your Activity log.

    If you are on Agile, use the Agile charge windows that you have configured, but if you want WW to pick the cheapest slots for you, you will need to set the number of cheapest slots you want. You currently have these set to 0.

    And you probably want to disable/deactivate the charge schedules you have set up in the Schedules section.

    Thank you for your help. I do really like the settings, interface and options in WW. I have now set up some schedules to work with agile in the following way. It is probably not the most optimum, but it sort of allows us to carry on “business as usual” and ensuring that the battery is always fully charged before the peak. I have 2 EVs and recently switch from intelligent go, it’s a learning curve with Agile, but it looks fun and meaningful in how we could help lighten the grid peak load with our existing set up.

    From 00:00-05:30 I set WW to pick 4 slots to help take the 6.5kw battery to full, this would have a hold charge setting in case if I charge the EV overnight that it wouldn’t drain the battery. (This slots works better than how I currently have my Growatt, it can intelligently pick the right time to charge in the midnight window, and potentially slower charging rate if there are many sub 10p slots)

    From 05:30-14:00 I set WW to only charge if the rate drops below 10p, therefore not picking any slots by default.

    From 14:00-16:00 I set WW to charge the battery to full. This typically is the lowest rate after the morning and before the evening. It helps to offset our consumption in the evening. (This schedule would not be charging but stop the battery draining if the sun is shining and we had sub 10p slots in between 05:30-14:00)

    From 16:00-00:00 I set WW to charge only if the rates is sub 10p, therefore not picking any slots by default, this helps to take in the price plunge and switch over away from the battery at night when there is an abundance of grid power.

    @admin Would it be at all possible to add one more slot to the agile schedule? There seems to be a limit of 3 slots at the moment.

    Thank you

      Yui I'm confused why you have two Agile charge windows without hold charge configured but no slots to fill. You can always manually pick slots, if that's what you want to do, according to your previous message.

      You don't need to create an Agile charge window in order to manually select slots.

      During the time with Agile charge set but configured slots to fill, this is to enable the system to recognise any plunge pricing during the day and let the system charge at the lowest rates (if needed)

      Between 2-3:30pm, I want to set up the system to top up the battery to 100% to be used for the evening as the more expensive rates start from 4pm.

      I just looked at the set up again, I think I can set a slot of Agile charge from 5:30am to midnight that looks for electric rates below 8p but no default minimum number of charge slots. I could then put a slot for 2-3:30pm with hold charge with minimum of 3 slots. Basically setting up a schedule to charge the battery before the more expensive rates in the evening.

      I have the scheduled charging at night and at 2pm, it's similar to how I have set the growatt schedule before. WW is smarter in the 00:00-05:30 slot to help find the lowest price power during that time. I need the night slot to hold charge, as we tend to plug the car in at night time for a charge if we need it for the next day.


        During the time with Agile charge set but configured slots to fill, this is to enable the system to recognise any plunge pricing during the day and let the system charge at the lowest rates (if needed)

        Plunge pricing will be actioned on any slots regardless of whether they are in or outside an Agile charge window.

        • Yui replied to this.

          I see! So as long as the target price is set in the "Advanced" section, then the battery would be set to charge regardless if an Agile schedule is set for that time?

            Yui Yes. The only requirement is that at least one Agile charge window is set to active.