I have noticed that there are some Wonder Watt actions in my GE log that are missing from the WW log. For example the actions that set things back to normal at the end of a slot. Is it possible include these so that I don't need to keep checking the GE log as well?
Missing log entries
WindyMiller Yep, this has come up before and we will be adding extended log entries.
I too am looking forward to more detailed logging, I have had some unusual behaviour this week in that a charge which should have stopped at SOC of 80% carried on until full unexpectedly. Not a problem, I am just keen to understand why
- Edited
I was on mobile previously, but now on desktop...
This is my confusion
To my mind, the logic should not charge, but skip - but something is amiss
This is my normally active charge setting [disabled today due to many hours of low price leccy today and hold charge does not work for me - it just pulls from my AIO throughout the entire period]
ID: zany-sound