I set a hold last night and although the log says it did it, it didn't.
I'm aware my readings for pv, load and grid aren't showing correctly, I've got to look into that later. Is this having an affect on ww?


    Mat Hold instruction was correctly sent at 1:29 AM. What does your Giv log say?

    • Mat replied to this.

      admin the stats on the app graph showed that power was still being drawn from the battery. However, I'm having issues at the moment with the pv and load in the app and the portal not displaying properly so not exactly sure if the graph is correct.
      I set a charge today, for the first time in ages, and that worked lovely

        Mat Some power is still being drawn, around 300W or so depending on the specific Giv inverter and firmware. This is a known issue.

        • Mat replied to this.

          admin ah OK, thanks. Didn't used to be the case so obviously it might have something to do with a firmware update