Some of the activity in the Agile thread made me think back on this. You could integrate Intelligent Octopus by just making the home battery charge during any smart slots, which in turn would of course prevent the battery discharging into the EV which is a huge problem with this tariff.
I don't think you would really have to do anything with solar forecasting and people would be really, really happy with it. Just have it using the existing scheduling tab for the most part, but with an additional setting to "always charge battery during IO smart charge window". Make it a configurable "charge rate" setting if you're feeling fancy, which the user could even set to 0 if they wanted just to stop it discharging. The solar forecasting stuff can take over during the fixed off-peak window.
I know I'm implying this stuff is easy when I know full well it isn't, but I'm looking at all the hard work done with the Agile integration and can't help think this would be a cakewalk relatively speaking. I think this would generate YouTube buzz too from both the solar and the EV channels.
Anyway. Up to you. I don't even have an EV (yet) :D