• Growatt
  • Charge didn't occur on negative tarrif

Last night i used wonderwatt to use the negative tariff over multiple slots.
None of them worked. Battery is empty and now of course, rates are at 20p

    58southamptonroad Looks like we sent the instruction correctly, see the diagnostics logs below, but got an error response back from Growatt.

    Do you sometimes have connectivity issues with setting charge instructions?

    When making within wonderwatt? Rarely.
    Sometimes on the shinephone app I would need to zero changes and resubmit but hasn't touched that app since using wonderwatt.

      58southamptonroad Right, yeah, looks like a connectivity issue at the Growatt or inverter end, as you can see from the response detail.

      It looks like there was an old Grid discharge set between 0100 and 0500... which is annoying (within shinephone).
      Have there been previous fails to import also for similar reasons?
      Might be worthwhile on your App to notify of any fails to the user?

        58southamptonroad Might be worthwhile on your App to notify of any fails to the user?

        You have a message telling you in the Activity Log: Failed to set inverter schedule for Agile slot.