I can see how this might be useful for people on Agile, but on IOG not so much.
The only times I can see it being used on IOG might be power-ups, "free" sessions or DFS sessions, although I understand even they may nit be worth bothering with this year.
Anyway, I'm happy to go with the majority.
Query about Quick Schedule on the WW Home page
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Simplistically usually wins. Separate the two. Rather than have the dropdown have
Quick Options:
Charge 30 mins 60 mins
Discharge 30 mins 60 mins
possibly where the minutes are the buttons
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MrMessy We're on Octopus Flux. Although I have WW export rules set for the 4-7pm window, if they don't go off because they haven't met the threshold (eg I usually don't want to export much if the following day is due to be extremely poor weather), I might decide I DO want to export for a little while after all, especially if I'll be cooking dinner on the gas hob and not using electricity. Then the timed Export is really useful as a quick fire-and-forget. I know from experience that my system exports at a rate of 10% of the battery per half an hour, so I can easily calculate how long I want to set a timed Export for.
I haven't used this feature, yet. But I will. But for me, it will be Charge, rather than Discharge/Export. But I can go with two options so that it is easier to pick the correct one visually. Majority rules and all that
That is a much better option
JayC I agree. I like your original suggestion of separating the two. This would avoid confusion and mistakes when in a hurry or tired [or loopy from meds like I am right now]. I'd also like them to be colour-coded.
I have some health challenges that cause me issues that most people wouldn't think of. Colour-coding and reliable and clear placement of things (ie avoiding dynamic page changes and subtle switches) would be of help. That's why I keep accidentally using timed Charge, when I actually wanted timed Discharge, like I mentioned in my original post that opened this thread.
miffy Would you be prepared to provide your view on how useful this guide is?
Being on Agile I use the discharge option (I would normaly select an Agile slot to charge). I do however like the optins of different time intervals and would find just 30 or 60 too restrictive. The current selection is about right for me. Maybe swap the charge / discharge options over?