I've been thinking (always a bad sign...!)
Setup here is 6kW solar to Gen 1, 5kW Giv 5.0 Inverter with 19.2kWH battery storage (2 x GivBat9.5). Max charge/discharge rate 2.6kW with the batts/inverter
On Agile.
We use about 30kWh of leccy a day (the business building runs off the supply as well as the house).
Now - the raw turnaround efficiency of putting energy in and getting it back out of the batteries is about 90%. So I was thinking if we could automate the picking of slots based not on the cheapest but based on the differential between forward periods, i.e. if the next x periods are more than 10% than the current ones then it is worth charging. Just not sure how you would define the current and forward periods - because if it was expensive for, say, 6 periods (like early evenings) then you would want to start charging earlier to cover that. I know just picking the cheapest x slots works of a sort but is there a better algorithm to optimise this?