Crazysquares It seems that back to back instructions through the API to my givenergy battery occasionally result in the charge rate setting moving from 3600 down to 2700 ish. Givenergy suggest that is likely not their issue though they are raising a ticket to investigate. Since they cannot immediately explain the reason is there a way that the API instruction could include a reset of the charge rate as a work around??
admin Crazysquares What's your WattID? (Advanced section) We could take a look and check our diagnostics logs.
admin Crazysquares Looks like we set the charge rate as per your max, 3600, see diagnostics log from this AM, 2:00-6:00 Agile slot. And here is the end/disable instruction at around 6:00, note the discharge reset to 3600W here too.
Crazysquares admin After further challenge Givenergy now say their batteries only charge at 60% when their temperature is at 20 degrees or less. So nothing to do with APIs etc. afterall. Pity no one mentioned that early on. Worth bearing in mind when you are wondering where to locate a battery especially as winter approaches. Luckily I went for an indoor location.
Crazysquares admin Yes because of course this has a bearing on the number of charge slots you might need. I feel a battery insulation project looming. Sure I had some Kingspan somewhere!!!
MrMessy @admin @Crazysquares I've cribbed this from a post on the Giv FB group... Battery rates! As we get closer to winter it's worth noting that colder temperatures will have an impact on charge rates as well! The colder the system is the lower it will charge and discharge to protect the cells. All Givenergy batteries are limited to a C rate of 0.5C, that means if you have a 5.2kWh battery, it's maximum rate is 2.6kW. If you have a 9.5kWh it is 4.75kW. If you have a 5.2 & 8.2kWh then it is 6.7kW. But do remember you are also still stopped by whatever your inverters limit is, a gen1 will only do 2.6kW max if is not slowed down by the cold weather. You'll get 3.3/3.6kW on a gen2/3 and 6kW on an AIO. Having 5 9.5kWh batteries on a gen1 is possible but you will still only get 2.6kW through it! If you have your battery cell temp above 20° you will get 0.5C. Between 10-20° you will get 0.333C. Between 0-10° it drops to around 0.25C! So if you take your battery capacity, multiply it by the relevant C rate to the temperature you can get a rough guide to its max charge/discharge rate. Having more batteries obviously helps here, I have a 5.2 & 8.2, so even under 10° with a C rate of 0.25 I can still charge at 3.3kW! If you just have a single 5.2kWh and get it down to 5° then you will be limited to 1.3kW! Now there are small variations through firmware versions so just use this as a guide 👍