I've just logged in to select some agile charging slots (prices are shocking in this dull/windless weather - not your fault!)
The System Energy Flow is wildly inaccurate at the moment, not sure if the Growatt API is throwing you a curveball, or there's something else wrong, and what effect it may have on schedules and charging calculations.
Wildly incorrect System Energy Flow
- Edited
krustydad Yeah, Growatt have a weird way of being incredibly inconsistent in terms of those numbers for different inverter models.
It looks like only your PV is wrong though, right? Never mind, grid flow too. :-)
If we fix it for you, we break it for 80% of other Growatt users. We may need to look at correction factors/offsets in the Advanced section for this.
Thanks. Let me know if you want me to try/test anything.
I am only concerned if it effects WW calculations with Agile schedules