Could I request a feature to hold charge during a charge window? I've seen the hold charge between slots, but I would like it to always use grid power when in a charge window if I have selected it. So what happens is, say I set a charge window between 0100-0300 becase its 5p/KW at 0200 my battery is full so it stops charging and goes back to running on the batter for the last hour, so I don't exit at 0300 with 100% charge. However, when I set charge windows in the actual GivEnergy app, it will fill up the battery and maintain it at 100% until that slot ends. So i guess it is changing the discharge mode?
The reason I think this would need a toggle per agile charge window is because I use the usually much cheaper overnight and also have a charge before the afternoon/tea time spike in prices, here I would want it to just top it up and then go back to running off of the battery like it does now.
As always, thank you.