The charging schedule works great but when I do a rushed discharge down to 50
% WW leaves a setting in the server (charge stop SOC) of 12% so that the battery does not want to charge.

    Mikael What is your WattID please? And when you say 'rushed discharge', do you mean the Quick Schedule option, or something else?

    I sat a Schedule to export 17:00 to 18:00.
    my ID is mundane-future

      Mikael Thanks for the info and for reporting it, server-side fix being deployed in the next 15 minutes. Issue for TLX inverters when disabling.

      Mikael Yep, I know, MOD 10KTL3-XH to be precise, but from a Growatt API perspective it uses the same calls as the TL-X and yours is treated as such.

      In any case, this issue has been resolved.

      I tried to do a quick discharge today for 30 min. and it sat charge stop SOC 12 % again.

        Mikael It does that at the beginning yes, but it did get set back to 100. At the end, see your logs.

        At 17:58 your time (server is UK timezone):

        Thinking about it, perhaps our intention was to set the discharge_stop_soc value to 12. Not the charge_stop_soc. We'll have a look.

        Shouldn't affect anything for you now though, as when you are running a forced discharge, you cannot charge at the same time.

        And it now gets set back at the end to 100.

        I understand, I was probably too quick to check in Growatt server before the time had expired.
        Thanks for the help.