admin This is my Octopus Schedule. GE still just shows my 23.30-05.30 usual timed charge.
My Watt ID is natural-quality if you wouldn’t mind taking a look I’d appreciate it.

    ChrisR Yep, looks perfectly fine and is the same as what WW has calculated for you. Don’t forget your default IOG cheap slot is 23:30-5:30.

    Come 23:00, a min or two before, WW will send the charge instruction for 23:00-8:30.

    There are no gaps that aren’t part of the cheap IOG window.

      admin All worked fine in the end! I was expecting to see my GE scheduled charge times change, now I know that it doesn’t I can stop worrying.
      The only blip was the pointless 4 minute slot that Octopus decided to put in to the car at 21.56. WW didn't pick this up(unsurprisingly) but apart from that everything worked seamlessly.
      I’ve noticed more frequent late changes to IOG schedules recently, which is what drove me to investigate WW, and I’m glad I did. I’m vey impressed!