Just wonder if it would be possible to change this option, so that just all of the user set schedules can be paused with one slider, rather than pausing the IOG schedule as well?
Reason I ask is that I have ten export/discharge schedules set each evening, and if I want to temporarily disable them to stop exports when I have my EV plugged in - i have to individually use the 'slider switches' (which can get a bit confusing on a mobile device with them jumping about!), whereas using the 'pause all' slider stops the IOG schedule as well. Maybe have a separate 'pause all inc IOG' slider? This maybe not practical but thought I'd put it out there?
Pause all schedules change?
- Edited
J1m We'll have a think, I guess we could have a separate Pause IOG Schedules, Pause Agile Schedules, Pause custom Schedules toggle in addition to the Pause All Schedules option.
And it makes sense to keep it on the Pause Schedules page only, as it's too easy to accidentally toggle on/off when you're in the IOG, Agile or Schedules sections.
+1 for this.
I got caught out with this once (didn't make that mistake again), where I just wanted to pause my custom discharge slots, but ended up pausing the IOG charge as well.
Well, that appears to have worked successfully.