• SolaxAgile
  • I new and on my first day I have an error messge

Also the Home Screen shows the system importing from the gri and not exporting

    MDB2020 Thanks for joining, we'll take a look at the logs and get back to you.

    The home screen with flow may not be correct, it depends on your setup.

    MDB2020 Could you retry this again please? Looks like the max amps was erroneously set to 32, but likely should be 30 for your system. We have changed this manually for now, but it can be changed in the Advanced section.

    Also, note that in the Agile section you can configure Agile charge windows, say from 00:00-23:00 and use the cheapest 10 slots or such. Or break it up into separate Agile charge windows.

    WW will then automatically pick the cheapest slots for you.

    Let us know how you get on.