For the last few nights my battery discharge rate has reverted to zero.
Raised this with Givenergy and they say WW have full control so nothing to do with them.
Anyone else experiencing this over the last few nights?

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    Sammax51 What’s your WattID please?

    Found it, we'll check it out.

    Fix on the way (5-10 mins), issue with some of our snapshot functionality. Ensuring for now we set back to max discharge for Giv.

      Excellent thanks.

      admin discharge was again set back to zero during the night. Issue not solved.

        • Edited

        Sammax51 Can you confirm from your Giv log that we read the Discharge rate was at 2600W at 7:02?

        You did have a hold set from 6:00-7:00. I wonder if perhaps the read of the discharge rate is inaccurate? We've put a workaround in which will reset discharge rate back to max regardless.