I have recently subscribed to WonderWatt and I must say I am pleased.

I noticed the smart charge option has a "Don't use battery off-peak" mode which with my usage translates to WonderWatt not allowing my system to discharge the battery at all while during the scheduled time, if the battery already reached its max.

I was wondering if it were possible to do that also when I'm not charging the battery during an off-peak time. Currently I have 3 slots of off-peak energy (on Octopus Cosy), and I don't use the evening one for charging. But I also would like my appliances to pull directly from the grid during that time.

I tried getting around this by setting WonderWatt to charge to "at least 20%", but as it is "at least" it does go over that %, so that doesn't work. I just would like to prevent battery usage, so I have more outside the off-peak, without charging it.


    Trinity The closest I've found to doing this is to specify a charge window under the Agile settings with hold set but no charge slots set. I don't know if this works if you're on the Cosy tariff (which I guess you are) but might be worth investigating. On my inverter hold actually causes a discharge of 300W which I can't avoid. This isn't WW doing this but is a feature of my GE inverter which does the same thing if I press the pause button in the GE app.

    The dotted boxes show when the hold is active. So you could try one for the evening period you want to use the grid and see if it works.

      Trinity Hi, thanks for joining!

      Trinity "at least 20%", but as it is "at least" it does go over that %, so that doesn't work

      If you change the charge schedule to 'Fixed' instead of Smart, this workaround should work as you'd expect. You simply set the target % low enough, and it will simply keep the battery at the level it is at, and your appliances will draw from the grid.

        admin I'm going to try this too tomorrow to see if it has the same effect.

        WindyMiller Thanks for your reply. Alas, as I said I am on Cosy, not Agile, but I appreciate the time you spent to help me out.
        Cosy doesn't get the pricing periods, I have to set it myself.

        admin Thanks for the response!
        I'll test it and come back with the result, but that sounds like the appliances could still potentially pull from the battery, it's just that the grid has to top it up to maintain it. I'll have it set to 20% so that should be low enough for the system to complete ignore the battery hopefully.

        admin Just coming back to say, turning smart charge off, and setting it to 20% is indeed working. Battery has 40% charge and my house appliances are pulling from the grid.

          Trinity Thanks for getting back and confirming, glad it’s working for your use case.

          It didn't work for me. Please can you check my settings.

          This was in the WW log

          But WW didn't write to the Battery discharge power register so the inverter continued to meet house load.

            WindyMiller Thanks, we'll check this, it works nicely on Growatt and Solax in this way, but when keeping battery on Giv, we clearly need to set discharge power.

            Will update here.