I've just started trying out WW with my Givenergy + Zappi + IOG setup. Tonight is the first time I plugged in the car so I'm in the watching like a hawk phase of the experiment.
IOG gave me a schedule with an initial charge period of 22:56 to 23:00. According to both the WW and the inverter logs this period was captured by WW and sent to the inverter - but not until 23:00:50 - ie after the event. When I happened to look at the Zappi dashboard (at 23:01) I just caught the tail end of the battery being discharged into the car.
Is it normal to send commands after the event? I know it's only a few minutes but it seems a bit irregular, the opposite of what WW is for.
Screenshots attached.

    gwynnej3 Meanwhile, the Schedules > Octopus > Intelligent page in the WW app is still showing the 'original' IOG schedule from when I plugged in earlier in the evening:

    And then this morning at 06:00:55 WW seems to have asked the inverter to charge from 05:56 - boom! missed the boat again. If the Zappi was charging from 05:56 that's more battery drain.
    At 06:27 the start/end times are reset to the IOG defaults.
    Again, not big battery drain, but if WW sent the commands before events rather than just after that could be avoided.

    The problem is, unlike something like Home Automation, everything is remote, no local control.

    There's always going to be a few minutes delay from a schedule being created by Octopus, to command being sent by WW, being received by your inverter servers, and finally being implemented by your inverter.

    As I understand it, WW polls the Octopus API every minute looking for schedules. It then issues commands in blocks every 5 minutes to inverter servers, which are then sent to your inverter. So, potentially, there could be up to a 6 minute delay between a schedule being created and acted upon by your inverter.
    In practice, it's usually a lot less than that.

    IMHO it's a small price to pay for the convenience of not having to faff about by yourself.

      MrMessy Thanks - I'd more or less come to the same line of thought, having slept on it. Initial reaction was it it isn't working, shifted to it is, with just a small overhead.

      I shall persevere :-)

      MrMessy Yep, spot on, also, sometimes Octopus issues charges for slots that started a few mins ago. Which is why we have to poll for the previous few minutes or else we would simply miss slots.