I’ve set up Wonder Watt this morning, but I think possibly not quite right. The battery is charged to 100%, but is not discharging to the house. Instead the house is pulling current from the grid, but shouldn’t be.

I’m on Intelligent Octopus Go, but haven’t yet got that set up properly in Wonder Watt (as I haven’t yet found the API key).

Any suggestions?

    theburmz What is your WattID pls? Find it under the version number in the navigation menu.

      theburmz Nothing to do with WW I'm afraid. We've not sent any instructions so far since you signed up.

      theburmz Instead the house is pulling current from the grid, but shouldn’t be

      I would check your Giv portal or Giv app to make sure you are in Eco mode.


      API Key is Octopus Home, Personal Details, Developers Settings. Copy & paste.

        I've replied on your GE thread so let's see if we have the basic communication working first...