I think i would like my discharge slots to override charging slots?

Is this possible?

    PANface can I ask why?

    My preference would be for smart charging to take priority, and discharge slots to be ignored if there's an active charge session.

    Because I am trying to dump at the end of the day but if I have a charging slot it conflicts with dumping

      PANface would that not leave your batteries emptying into your EV?

      I could but I'm getting 7p rather then 15p

      It would be better if they automatically dumped.

      So if I have 100% battery
      And it says it going to charge to 50% overnight

      The perfect way would to auto dump 50% by 23:30 hrs

      But I have tried to set some export to dump 80% by 23:30 and then charge overnight.
      But I can't get it to dump as yet