Hi WW team,

WW seems to have gotten confused tonight starting my GE AIO charging at 2200 instead of 2300 as it should have done costing me a £ unnecessarily. Can you explain this?


    Wavy-mother We had an IOG charge starting at 22:00 from Octopus:

    {"TimeFromOffset":"2025-03-06 22:00:00\u002B00:00","TimeToOffset":"2025-03-07 05:30:00\u002B00:00","KwhCharge":"-8.30"}

    It's very likely that after it's been issued (after to 22:00) and you look at the Octopus app later, it doesn't show as a mapped charge anymore, because it could literally have been from 22:00-23:00, and we just condensed it to be 22:00 - 5:30.

    This won't be charged at high rate, because Octopus had a mapped slot which we received. Check your bill once you get it. 😉