Does anyone have an ideal optimal shedule setup for the Agile integration?
I don't export as I am on the high government FIT for about another 11 years.
I'm located in the east midlands UK.
I have 1.92kW solar system on a south facing 45 deg pitched roof so I don't see the sun till about 9am
I have a growatt 6.5kW battery with 3kW Hybrid Inverter.
I usually charge to 50% through the early hours until 5am then rely on sun from 10 until 16:00. This usually gives me a full charge to go home to in the evening after work.
I usuall do this by setting charge periods on my growatt server but have just come across to WW service.
I wanted too just ask if there were any setups for spring/summer and autumn/winter that people had fine tuned so I don't have to go through the trial and error period.
thanks in advance for any help you wonderful people may provide.



    Pedro1972uk These are mine but I suspect they are fine-tuned to my setup. Each day I adjust the time slots depending on the slot prices and choose the schedule most appropriate to time of year and expected solar for the next day. Certainly you can start from these in finding your own that work well.

    I can export and get paid 16.5p/kW (Eon Next) so I have 2 thresholds of 16.5p and 13p (=16.5 x 80% battery losses). I charge the batteries below 13p, hold the charge between 13 and 16.5p and use the batteries above 16.5p. If the Agile prices are below 13p I try to fit in as many charge/discharge cycles as I can to maximise my exports. If they are above 13p I try to get away with the fewest charge slots anticipating the following days solar.

    4.8kWp array (17 panels), SW facing, 8kWh usable battery storage. Typical house load 15kWh/day.

    I also sometimes use these schedules to export energy but as you're on FIT you shouldn't need to do this.