- Edited
Below are the Release Notes with version numbers and recent changes. Most recent first.
v0.5.1025 2025-02-03
- Fix for duplicate hold log entries for IOG
- Make IOG functionality available for all users
v0.5.1017 2025-01-24
- Fix for not sending Hold at new Agile Window boundary (14-Jan)
- More defensive check around Giv LOST status (20-Jan)
- Explicitly disable 'AC Charge Enable' flag when disabling charge schedules for Giv (21-Jan)
- Added Activity Log CSV Download
v0.5.983 2025-01-09
- Make sure Quick Discharge sets appropriate min discharge level as per inverter defaults
v0.5.981 2025-01-05
- Change default settings for IOG schedule for new IOG users
v0.5.977 2025-01-01
- Allow negative Max price for Agile charge windows
v0.5.975 2024-12-28
- Reset time from/to back to 00:00 for Solax
- Allow inverter serial to be updated/set for Giv/Growatt
- Ensure Solax amp charge settings are pulled from user settings
- Reset Giv discharge rate for end of IOG schedules when Hold set
- Added edge case fix for schedule/window overlap, more unit tests added
- Added 3 day grace period for paying users after subscription expiry, allowing them to change to annual sub after cancelling 3-month sub
v0.5.949 2024-12-02
- CSS changes for Agile charge/hold slots, improved for dark mode
- Auto save when successfully connecting new API keys
- Solax fix, reset to self-mode after hold for charge instructions
- Fix agile hold for window where it would overwrite charge instructions in some cases
- Keep existing agile slots in place and recombine with auto-population logic
- Added solar forecast yield display for today/tomorrow to dashboard
v0.5.928 2024-11-28
- Added more robust longer term retry mechanism - for continuous agile slots, push time forward by 30 mins on any failure
- Deal with edge case for agile windows end/start on midnight and not setting hold flag
- Set hold charge for agile charge windows without charge slots
- Added support for max price (in pence) setting for Agile charge windows
v0.5.915 2024-11-25
- Reduce max amps to 30 as default for Solax
- Add easier hhmm time inputs, automatically add colon ':' separator
v0.5.908 2024-11-19
- Reformat IOG slots' endtime to round up to next 00/30 mins on the hour
- Expose max charge amps for Solax
- Implement retry policy for Solax instructions
- Use separate calls for each Solax register
v0.5.900 2024-11-15
- Interrupt IOG schedules at 58/59 and 28/29 mins mark, regardless of dispatch slots, to maximise the offpeak pricing for the remainder of the half hour when unplugging EV midway through
- Growatt TLX - only set stop charge SOC for charge schedules
- Make sure we don't send same IOG instruction twice within 5 mins
- Log Solax API responses to charge/discharge instructions
- Implemented granular pause controls for user schedules, Agile and IOG
v0.5.887 2024-11-11
- Solax charge rate adjustment implemented (based on 32amp max)
- Dark mode option in Menu
v0.5.883 2024-11-09
- IOG fixes for default slot
- Fix for Solax PV DC parsing
- Growatt fix for TLX, set SOC upper back to 100 when disabling slots
v0.5.869 2024-11-08
- Additional diagnostic logging for Solax connections to aid troubleshooting
v0.5.865 2024-11-05
- Removed New badge from Subscription menu item
- Fix of Agile Octo if pricing file isn't quite complete, overwrite on subsequent retry
- Fix to prevent logout after deploy of new web app version
v0.5.859 2024-11-04
- Fix for IOG issue where current default slot could be deleted
- Auth login persistence - should prevent users having to login again after app refresh/redeploy
- Added charge rate adjustment factor in Advanced
v0.5.855 2024-10-31
- Growatt Connect fix in Settings section
v0.5.851 2024-10-28
- IOG fixes for default schedule
- Solax end charge disable fix
- Hide message on dashboard for paying subs
v0.5.843 2024-10-27
- UI fix for Octo - not displaying tariffs
v0.5.839 2024-10-26
- For IOG slots <= 90 mins and adjust charge rate set, override to 100% charge rate
- Fix for Solax for Agile charge hold to reset back to Self-Use mode after end of window
- Fix for Octo Agile end schedule for users where automations are paused
- For IOG slots <= 90 mins and adjust charge rate set, override to 100% charge rate
- Export instruction sent 90 secs prior to export, instead of 5 mins
- Fixed issue with Agile slots duplicate tariff for same time
v0.5.822 2024-10-22
- Show WattID under version number in sidebar
- Add first beta for Solax integration
- Fix for end Agile slot scenario for Paused schedules
v0.5.813 2024-10-15
- Delete future IOG schedules that were issued before but are now revoked and not in dispatch slots anymore
- Fix bug with IOG unmapped slots causing schedule interruption for default IOG window
v0.5.809 2024-10-13
- Longer retry for Giv instructions
- IOG fix for disabling charging when unplugging car - and no dispatch slots are returned
v0.5.807 2024-10-11
- Framework update
- Settings connected msg tweak
v0.5.801 2024-10-10
- Added distributed Auth state store, in prep for preventing to have to re-login after web app version updates
v0.5.796 2024-10-08
- Consolidate logic for serial number to use Settings value always. Giv AIO LOST status ambiguity requires this.
v0.5.794 2024-10-07
- Share Access functionality (with other Google account user) via share link in Advanced
v0.5.788 2024-10-04
- Added hook to deal with cancellations correctly
v0.5.786 2024-10-03
- Submenu layout tweaks
- Better Activity logging for unsuccessful Giv HTTP status codes
v0.5.784 2024-10-03
- Persisted state of submenu
v0.5.776 2024-10-02
- Restructured and consolidated navmenu for Schedules and Octopus
v0.5.768 2024-09-30
- Enabled payment integration
v0.4.764 2024-09-30
- Payment integration backend changes
- UI glitch fix for Agile On Hold 00:00.
v0.4.756 2024-09-26
- Added Delete user account functionality
- Added Giv Eco flag option for Agile charge schedules where Hold is set to 0 Watts
v0.4.752 2024-09-25
- Auth cookie expiry change
- Don't modify Giv discharge power at end of charge schedule
v0.4.749 2024-09-23
- Fix for Giv AIO Gateway NULL SoC
- Added one-off schedule functionality
v0.4.742 2024-09-20
- Bug fix on end schedule for Giv - inc charge rate reset
v0.4.740 2024-09-16
- Fixed issue where export Quick Schedule wasn't deactivated for Giv
- General availability of Quick Schedule functionality
v0.4.734 2024-09-13
- Fix IOG issue for reset charge rate/end schedule
- Add logging for Quick Schedule and correctly identify end for Eco reset
v0.4.728 2024-09-12
- Added QuickSchedule feature on dashboard - currently opt-in
v0.4.726 2024-09-04
- One more Giv AIO SOC fix
- Ignore Giv AIO products with status LOST - which leads to incorrectly picking out Gateway instead when it shouldnt
v0.4.720 2024-09-03
- Fixed issue where Dual AIO wasn't returning/using gateway serial number
- Fixed hold logging from % to W
v0.4.716 2024-08-31
- Revert default for leaving Eco mode off for Giv export/discharge
- Added setting in Advanced section to allow Giv users to change this behaviour
v0.4.714 2024-08-28
- Fixed issue with IOG where inactive wasn't being honoured
- Don't turn off Eco mode when exporting for Giv inverters
v0.4.708 2024-08-12
- Charge to 100% for all Agile Charge slots when price is 0 or below 0 pence
v0.4.706 2024-08-12
- Fix for discharge arrow styling/valign and fix to logic where eg. 19:30 end should not extend into 19:30-20:00 slot
v0.4.702 2024-08-09
- Use red arrow indicators on the Agile Octopus timeline for any active discharge schedules
v0.4.698 2024-08-05
- Fix for not stopping IOG charge when a broader slot is currently active
v0.4.694 2024-07-24
- Ensure that IOG slots with end times that end before end of default window get extended to 5:30
v0.4.690 2024-07-17
- Don't save IOG slots that fit fully within default IOG window
v0.4.688 2024-07-15
- Fix for Agile charge window end instruction - exemption when agile charge slot is active
v0.4.686 2024-07-12
- Order Schedules and Agile charge windows by Active flag, then Time From, then Name
- Don't repopulate schedules for Agile charge windows that are updated whilst being (and remaining) inactive
v0.4.683 2024-07-10
- Add indication of number of schedules and charge windows in use out of max available
v0.4.681 2024-07-10
- Increased number of custom schedules from 5 to 20
- Added support for 12 Agile Charge windows and ability to name them, allowing for seasonal windows to be configured, rather than reuse and overwrite window settings
v0.4.673 2024-07-03
- More logging and improved exception handling for IOG API errors
- Fixed issue where IOG error was ignored
v0.4.650 2024-06-18
- Fix issue with adjacent agile charge slot after existing agile charge window (with hold) end
- Reset to Eco mode for IOG charges for Giv users
- Fix for validation around discharge rate readout for Giv - added more unit tests
v0.4.642 2024-06-17
- Fix for Giv Export issue related to discharge power
v0.4.640 2024-06-17
- Option for Giv users to use current discharge rate or 100% for export schedules
v0.4.637 2024-06-13
- Greater margin for eco-reset and disable after Giv export
- Fix for Intelligent Octopus Go schedule normalisation
v0.4.634 2024-06-12
- Make sure we disable Growatt custom schedule charge slot after it ends
v0.4.632 2024-05-27
- Fix log msg for Timeout/Offline inverter scenario
v0.4.628 2024-05-26
- Delay Octo charge to next slot for adjacent block if inverter offline or timeout error occurred
v0.4.626 2024-05-24
- Fix for few Growatt TLX inverters that return Wh rather than kWh
v0.4.624 2024-05-21
- Ensure errors for hold charge instruction end up in Activity Log
v0.4.618 2024-05-21
- For Agile blocks with adjacent charge slots, if battery 100% or higher than configured threshold, delay start by 30 mins, at which time condition will be checked again.
v0.4.616 2024-05-20
- Fallback for Giv LOST inverter status
v0.4.614 2024-05-14
- Fix for inverter serial selection for Giv - include WAITING status.
- Prep work for solar yield correction factor.
v0.4.611 2024-05-13
- Pick correct Giv inverter with 'NORMAL' status in Settings page. Fixes issue where previously decommissioned inverters would be picked even though they had 'LOST' status.
v0.4.609 2024-05-10
- Added validation for 'Battery is at least' field
v0.4.607 2024-05-06
- Create default IOG slot for null mapped dispatch slots
- Delete future IOG slots where no existing dispatch slots are found - typically after unplugging EV
v0.4.590 2024-05-01
- Make sure we save default Intelligent Octo settings after account details are saved
v0.4.583 2024-04-30
- Added Intelligent Octopus Go support (can be enabled for users who want to opt-in)
v0.4.581 2024-04-25
- Added thin blue line around Agile hold slots
- Added start and end arrows under slots indicating start and end of active Agile charge windows
v0.4.579 2024-04-25
- Foundational work for Octo Intelligent
- Specify serial from saved settings for Growatt so we display correct energy flow details on dashboard home
v0.4.574 2024-04-22
- Make sure we disable 00:00 and 00:30 tomorrow Agile slot 10 mins before they start
v0.4.571 2024-04-17
- Fix where upon selecting DNO region on Agile Octo page, the control would disappear before user can save
- Tariff colour tweaks
v0.4.568 2024-04-17
- Fixed defect where users with Region code empty would mess up some end charge window functionality for other users
v0.4.566 2024-04-16
- Moved DNO region to Advanced when it is set
- Added Agile tariff colours and Advanced setting to toggle off
v0.4.562 2024-04-15
- Change and simplification to populate user schedule function - only running this once at 16:35 ish. Now uses same logic that is applied when togging schedules to active in UI.
v0.4.558 2024-04-14
- Fix for issue where at population time if we were in an active user window today, this same window would not populate slots for tomorrow.
v0.4.554- 2024-04-12
- Function scheduler operation error issue - caused a few hours scheduling gap leading up to midnight
- Added improved monitoring/alerting
v0.4.551 - 2024-04-11
- Fixed defect where adjusted time to override wasn't set back properly, resulting in missing eco-reset after export
v0.4.549 - 2024-04-11
- Skip population of below threshold slots for 22 and 23 run
v0.4.543 - 2024-04-11
- Run populate schedules at 20 mins to 23:00 and 20 min to 00:00
- Fixed issue with prepopulation when current date/time is within a window with schedule charge slots that have already passed
v0.4.536 - 2024-04-09
- Fix for Agile hold charge issue where we're at the end of the charge window
- Greedy selectio6n for Agile start time - to time period
- Modified condense schedule function so it splits on midnight. Fixed issue with saving 23hh slots for today
v0.4.530 - 2024-04-08
- Fix for schedule within window where both span midnight
- UI glitch fix where making Agile charge window inactive didn't deselect slots for the window
v0.4.526 - 2024-04-07
- Keep 'global' AC charge setting to enabled for Growatt - when disabling charge schedule(s)
v0.4.524 - 2024-04-07
- Sort out issue with Agile end charge and Hold Start.
v0.4.522 - 2024-04-06
- Fix for UI glitch where full continuous charge block which started today and ended tomorrow was not being displayed
v0.4.520 - 2024-04-04
- Ensure greedy (longest continuous) charging slot is returned to determine hold set
v0.4.518 - 2024-04-04
- Remove additional UtcBst mapping causing double conversion for Octo Agile slots
v0.4.516 - 2024-04-04
- Additional fix to condense schedules - and added more unit test coverage
v0.4.514 - 2024-04-04
- Fixed bug with condensing schedules which was preventing population of agile charge windows
v0.4.511 - 2024-04-04
- Fixes to check whether time is in Agile User window
- Agile schedule calculation tweak for condensed schedules - filter out same starttime
- Add extra SOC check against Stop condition for export
v0.4.504 - 2024-04-03
- Fixed save issue when switching between pages
- Added separate Save DNO button
v0.4.500 - 2024-04-03
- Use date time offset for UTC now - for dynamic behaviour around isBst() check
- Prevent Agile slot duplication, side effect of UTC/BST time comparison, might also resulted in duplicate log messages and multiple instructions being sent
v0.4.497 - 2024-04-02
- Fix delete schedules edge case when toggling Agile charge window to inactive
v0.4.495 - 2024-04-02
- Fix end of window time delta for Agile charge windows
v0.4.493 - 2024-04-02
- For agile charge slots, ensure time for activity log message is correct
v0.4.489 - 2024-04-01
- Fix on Active toggle in Agile Octopus window grid
- Improved error handling around population of Agile slot schedules
v0.4.485 - 2024-04-01
- Bunch of fixes, updates, refactoring and unit tests for UTC -> BST issues
v0.3.474 - 2024-03-30
- Delete selected agile slots in Agile Charge windows when they get toggled to inactive
v0.3.472 - 2024-03-30
- Fix for lenient parsing of BST datetimes when clocks go forward, this was causing this morning's issues with schedule charge instructions not being sent
- Added additional custom exception handling in some loops to minimise users affected when issues come up
v0.3.468 - 2024-03-29
- Improve error handling on dashboard when energy flow details cannot be retrieved
v0.3.466 - 2024-03-28
- Added active toggle button in Schedules list directly
- Added Active toggle switch to Agile Charge window grid
v0.3.463 - 2024-03-27
- For equally lowest priced agile slots, choose later ones, rather than earlier ones as default
- Replaced grid icon
v0.3.461 - 2024-03-26
- Various style tweaks for energy flow diagram
- Added Last Updated for energy flow diagram
- Fix discharge issue in flow diagram for some Growatt users
v0.3.449 - 2024-03-26
- Added System Energy Flow diagram on home/dashboard.
- Ensure we populate Agile charge windows without selected slots that have start times in the past but end times in future
v0.3.446 - 2024-03-25
- Fixed bug with Pause schedules check which caused issue for agile charge automations
v0.3.444 - 2024-03-24
- Only show percentage allowable discharge when not equal to 0% for hold charge enabled
- Honour Pause Schedules setting for Agile charge windows too
- Fix to display/UI for selected charge slots that were not displayed with blue/selected border where start time falls outside of tariff ranges available, ie. started yesterday, but finishes today
v0.3.441 - 2024-03-21
- Don't repopulate slots for inactive charge windows
- Fixed issue for Giv where Soc Less than condition (if SOC >= SOCLessthan) didn't cause a true hold charge instruction
- Fixed scheduled exports - now calculates an adjusted end time (visible in activity log) based on current SOC, stop SOC, and max discharge rate, then returns to Eco / disables schedule
v0.3.436 - 2024-03-10
- Move Active toggle closer to time from-to window
- Added SOC values and hold charge to Agile window grid
v0.3.432 - 2024-03-09
- Added fixed target SOC setting for Agile charge window.
v0.3.430 - 2024-03-09
- Fix to Discharge percentage not being passed in some cases for Agile hold charge slots
- Add unsuccessful HTTP status code condition to retry policy for Giv
- Add retry attempt 15 mins later for pulling new agile tariffs when not directly available at around 16:05
- Hide 0.0 kWh for agile charges, as it's currently not being used
continued below...