OK, so I have today changed to Flux. I have done some testing over the last few weeks, and here is last months figures.
Here's the results from a calculator I made, showing what it would have cost me if I was on one of the flux tariffs.
I have added the home and battery inputs together against the day and peak exports to get the totals. I exported as much as I could from the batteries between 4 and 7. Luckily enough I had enough battery every day to achieve this although a lot of it was imported during the night, as well as charging the (c) car on certain days. Charging my (s) scooter was all done using sunlight.
Flux is now become slightly cheaper than agile, but as the sun shines brighter, it will prove its worth more and more. Eventually I will change to flux intelligent during the hottest months, then flux again, then Agile for the winter... Sun there was a bit of wind so Agile was cheaper there so i used more electric than I would of normally.....
Questions, please ask.