Intelligent Octopus Go - limited beta
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@admin FYI
Everyone else been short changed?
I mean, technically I haven't been short changed as the batteries still charged for 6 hours but, Octopus and GE inverters run local time, so I drew power from the batteries 04:30-05:30, when it should have still been pulling from the grid at cheap rate.
Perhaps we can get this right for spring, when the clocks go the other way?
...... and it gets better. Due to me not spotting the incorrect charging times until after the event had started and subsequently changing back to 23:30-05:30, WW had already stored the end instruction ready for deployment, so for a 2nd night at 04:30 charging was stopped.
Whilst this has not "cost" me huge sums of money (2hrs export and 1/2hr peak import), it's somewhat frustrating for a system that otherwise works really well.
admin I would imagine IOG was impacted because the "standard" cheap periods crosses midnight. I don't think any other tariffs do that
Don't know about the ad-hoc charging, as I didn't charge at all over the weekend but, I suspect they would behave in a similar way to Agile.
Thanks for sorting. I'll be watching like a hawk tonight.
Just checked and mine stopped charging at 04:30 as well this morning, although the IO schedule did say 23:30 - 05:30
Can I join the beta please
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admin Well, that seemed to go according to plan. I had paused my "IOG Fix" schedule, to see the effect, but I'll put it back tonight until we've confirmed the 04:30 issue is fixed.
WW clearly reacting to some overnight changes from Octopus that I didn't see ...
... and no unexpected stopping at 04:30 ...
I still haven't figured out what happens to Kraken at 05:56 though. I've seen more FB posts with schedules changing at the same point, but not sufficient to identify any correlation yet. There's the usual do-gooders saying that's just how IOG works, and I'm fine with Octopus adjusting schedules on the fly, but there must be some significance to that exact time and it's bugging me.
Anyway, rambling a bit now. Keep up the good work.
P.S. Nearly forgot ...
It's only a very minor niggle but, the last change from Octopus put the end time at 06:14, as did WW. However, it would still be cheap rate until 06:30. Is it possible to forward set the time to suit?